Call for Innovation and Prosperity Fund specifically for knowledge-based companies and accelerators, faculty members, and graduate researchers in the field of nanotechnology

The call for the Innovation and Prosperity Fund was announced specifically for knowledge-based companies and accelerators, faculty members, and graduate researchers in the field of nanotechnology. The deadline for participating in the call and registering the project is January 14, 2020, until February 15, 2024.

One of the requirements of the industry-university relationship is to use the country's research capacities and continue research and development activities to create and expand knowledge-based companies from the context of universities and research laboratories. Taking advantage of the potential of accelerators and knowledge-based companies in acquiring technology and commercializing technological solutions also plays a key role in advancing this process. The country's scientific achievements, including specialized human resources and academic research, are among the country's strengths in international ranking systems.

In this regard, the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, in order to facilitate the transfer and development of advanced technologies, provides a new service called "Research and Development Cost Subsidy" by providing a portion of the costs related to research and development activities to knowledge-based companies and faculty members free of charge.

The Innovation and Prosperity Fund's support share for each research project will be determined up to 500 million Tomans and based on specific indicators and conditions.

To participate in the call, those eligible must first register on the Challenge platform at and, after entering the call page, click on the Register Proposal button, complete the requested information and upload the resume of the project manager. Registered projects will be evaluated and, if initially approved, additional information will be received to continue the evaluation process.

Call Audience:

Knowledge-based companies and accelerators

Faculty members and researchers

Technological projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

The number of technology cores in the team should be reasonable or there should be team building capabilities.

Financial agreements and the status of share distribution between the technology core should be transparent.

The technology core should be formed with a product development approach.

The necessary technical and business expertise should be present in the technology core and they should have relevant research and technological records.

The technology readiness level of the proposed project should be less than 5 (TRL<5).

The proposed project should have an acceptable level of innovation and technological complexity.

The proposed project should be technically feasible to implement in the country.

The possibility of sourcing raw materials and manufacturing equipment in the country should be available.

There should be the possibility of industrial-scale production and repeatability.

Technical risks in the development of the product/service must be identified and can be resolved.

The proposed plan must have the ability to achieve a product or service that can be sold to the customer or to sell the acquired technical knowledge and have the potential to attract investors with justified capital.

Competitors and competitive advantages over similar products/services must be reviewed and reasonable.

The proposed product/service must have an acceptable market size and market growth potential.

The proposed product/service must have an appropriate cost price.

Technology Areas:

Agriculture, Biotechnology and Food Industry

Advanced Medicine and Diagnostic and Treatment Products

Advanced Materials and Products Based on Chemical Technologies

Advanced Machinery and Equipment

Medical Devices, Supplies and Equipment

Electrical and Electronic Hardware, Photonics and Lasers

Information and Communication Technology and Computer Software

For more information, please contact us through the following channels:
Contact Number: 021-88486496
Email Address:
LinkedIn Address:
Social Networks: 09926276209

