Spectroscopic Analysis

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The Center for lab services, in the spectroscopic analysis department of Sharif, has the following analyzes that you can check and register the request for the relevant tests:
  • XRD analysis (XRD Test)
  • XPS analysis (XPS Test)
  • DLS analysis (DLS Test)
  • NMR analysis (NMR Test)
  • AAS analysis (AAS Test)
  • LSPR analysis (LSPR Test)
  • UV-VIS analysis (UV-VIS Test)
  • FTIR analysis (FTIR Test)

X-ray Powder Diffraction Test


آنالیز XRD
XRD Analysis: X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is a non-destructive method suitable for determining the composition and crystalline properties of materials. This test can be performed on both powdered and bulk samples. The X-ray diffraction pattern of pure materials has a distinctive and unique shape. Phase identification is achieved by comparing the diffraction pattern obtained from the unknown sample (diffractogram) with the standard patterns of ideal crystal compounds. Additionally, valuable information about the bonds present between the surface species of materials can be obtained.


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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Test


آنالیز XPS
XPS Analysis is a technique based on the interaction between X-rays and a sample. XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) is a powerful method for evaluating the surface of a sample. It is a quantitative and spectroscopic technique that can identify the types of elements and their chemical composition on the sample surface. The most important applications of this analysis are as follows:
  1. Element Identification (all elements except hydrogen and helium can be identified with this method).
  2. Determination of Surface Element Composition (usually within 1-10 nanometers from the surface). By knowing the binding energy, peak shape, and measuring the Auger parameter, the chemical composition of elements can be determined.
  3. Identification of Surface Contaminants.
  4. Determination of Composition Uniformity.
  5. Thickness Measurement of a Single Layer or Multilayer Material.
  6. Depth Profiling Based on the Incident Path of the X-ray Beam.
Depth profiling of the sample surface can also be evaluated. This analysis is used for inorganic compounds, metal alloys, semiconductors, polymers, glass, ceramics, and even in the paper, wood, and petroleum industries.
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Dynamic light scattering Test


آنالیز DLS
DLS Analysis: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a suitable method for determining the particle size distribution. In this method, the particle size distribution in a solution can be determined based on the Brownian motion of the particles in a fluid phase. The speed of Brownian motion is related to the particle size (according to the Stokes-Einstein equation), such that larger particles exhibit slower Brownian motion compared to smaller particles. Therefore, the larger the particles being tested, the slower the intensity fluctuations or changes in their scattering pattern. Consequently, the descending slope of the correlation graph within a specified time range decreases at a slower rate. Using algorithms derived from the rate of the descending slope of the correlation graph, this device can provide the particle size distribution based on the intensity of light scattered by the particles.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Test


آنالیز NMR
NMR Analysis: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique used to determine the structure, composition, and dynamics of molecules. This technique provides information about the atomic and molecular environments within a sample. In NMR spectroscopy, the sample is exposed to a strong magnetic field and subjected to pulses of radiofrequency. The interaction of the sample's nuclei (usually hydrogen, carbon, or other elements with a magnetic moment) with the magnetic field produces a spectrum that can be analyzed to extract valuable information.
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Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Test


آنالیز AAS
AAS Analysis: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) is used to analyze the concentration of specific elements in a sample. This technique is widely used in various fields such as environmental analysis, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage industries, and industrial applications.
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Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Test


آنالیز LSPR
LSPR Analysis: The identification and detection of materials, chemical gases, and biological molecules are important topics in interdisciplinary research involving basic sciences, engineering, and medical sciences. In this method, the response of free electrons in nanoparticles to an electromagnetic field in the presence of biomolecules is observable as changes in the wavelength and intensity of absorption. These changes can be calibrated to the concentration of the biomolecule being tested. Major applications include the detection of biomarkers for cancer diagnosis, the identification of biomolecular reactions in pharmaceuticals, the detection of viruses, bacteria, and biological toxins, the detection of water and soil pollutants and mercury ions, and the detection of narcotics and doping substances.
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Ultraviolet–Visible Spectroscopy Test

آنالیز UV-VIS
UV-Vis Analysis: Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy is a general method that uses the absorption of light in the ultraviolet-visible range by molecules to study and measure their chemical and physical properties. In this method, the sample is exposed to light, and the amount of light absorbed by the sample at visible and ultraviolet wavelengths is measured.
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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Test


آنالیز FTIR
FTIR Analysis: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is a widely used analytical technique for identifying and characterizing chemical compounds based on their infrared absorption spectra. FTIR spectroscopy provides valuable information about the functional groups and molecular structure of a sample.
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